Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our First Trip - Medan

Last January, we went to Medan - our very first trip as family of 3. Yeah.. Really excited.. Who? Of course me. Hehehehe...

First time for everything. First time naik kapal terbang. First time travel abroad. Jakun. Hahahaha.

Actually, kitorg (Me, Zaza & Eni) bought the ticket randomly. Saja. Tak mahal pun time tu as  ade promotion free seat by Air Asia (of coz). The flight cost was RM80 (return). Murah kan? But for my baby, RM50 one way. Pergh lagi mahal dari dewasa nya. Melampau tul. 
So kitorg decided utk bervacation on 21-24 January 2013. 

Berdebar and mencabar as my beloved hubby memulanya cam tak nak pegi. Dia siap proposed us to go Hatyai which he said Hatyai will be more worth for shopping than Medan. Then I convinced him we will go there maybe in the end of this year. Yeah.. Nanti jalan lagi.. I suke jek jejalan. Walaupun ongkos nya xberapa ada..hahahah.

So the day is coming... Kami naik flight dr LCCT. So on 20th, we went to my in-laws house at Putrajaya. Hoping he will send us to the airport. And he does, of coz. Our flight scheduled to depart at 7.30 am from LCCT and arrived at Polonia International Airport around 9.30 am. 

Rupa seat dalam airbus (segalanya dalam bahasa Indon)
Dua2 muke nervous.. Tak tau cane nk react bile dlm flight

Kami pilih untuk ikut pakej jek sbb mls nk pkr cane nnt transport, hotel & makan. 
Lepas survey banyak website akhirnya kami pilih Enos Tour Medan. 
Memula cuak gak. Sebab takut nnt kena tipu. Tapi belasah jek la.
Tawakal jek.
And syukur. The travel agent that we chose is really really superb. Sangat memuaskan hati.
Firstly, our tour guide cam baya kitorg jek. So tak bosan sangat. Cam borak ngan member jek. And I will absolutely recommend this travel agent. 4 hari 3 malam yang sangat menyeronokkan. Makanan nye? Pergh...mmg best sesgt...
Yg paling sedap : Jus limau die & ikan goreng die..
Ni kat Parapat. Bilik air die bersih gile. Cam bilik air rumah
Ni dinner kat Hotel Green Garden, Berastagi

Ni kat Banda Medan, Special menu : Ayam Pop

Ni paling sedap.. Ikan bakar die mmg sdp gile

And now, the scene of Medan
Lake Toba

Backgorund of Lake Toba scenery

Boboi yg ngantuk. Kena bangun pepg

Sipiso-piso Waterfall

Village of Sibayak, Parapat

@ Strawberry Farm

Definitely we will go there again. Sangat seronok. 

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