Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Icebreaking will be the day I'm create a blog for our family..hopefully rajin la mengupdate..utk tatapan keluarga a diary but been published on kite pnggl jurnal la..lg sesuai my intention writing this so-called journal is to jot down everything bout my family..yg manis, masam, masin & even pedas pun in sha Allah akan ditulis..the borderline is klu saya rajin...

So let me tell the story how Pentatonic's Family is being formed (ayt cam tubuhkan band pulak)..the story began with me as so-called runner for my "beloved aunt" need to go to CIMB Bank @ Jln Rahmat on one fine day in year 2008..and to be exact it was on May I was have some "issue" @ da counter for couple hours and there was a girl entertain me..end of the session the girl asked me my phone number..weird yet I think it was a common procedure..ok I gave my number..but then when I arrived home I just felt tht the number is not part of the procedure..someone want to prank me..ok..let's wait & see...couple weeks later I received a SMS from a stranger..and the story begin..

Blah..blah..blah..pendekkan yg pjg...officially we become Mr & Mrs Pentatonic atau nama sebenar sy menjadi Puan Mohd Azali pd 20 November 2010...(to be continued)

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