Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Life as An Engineer & A Mother

Tajuk pun rasa cam dh gempak kan?hahahha..poyo btl...saja nk ulas bile menjadi seorang wanita yg part time dari segala segi..sangat2 mencabar ok. Kerja yang memerlukan full commitment. 
Office hour begins at 8 am until 5 pm..kadang2 sampai kul6..limit kan dh smpi kul6 jek. 
Kalau ikt so-called committed, mesti la suke kalau pekerjanya balik lg lambat kan?tp sorry seorang ibu hook or by crook kul6 jek limit saya.. 
Bangun pagi pun leh jadi mencabar tau. Kadang2 bile lepas mandi pagi2.. tup2 bukak pintu bilik air jek nmpk si kecik dh tercongok kepalanya pandang ibu die. Tau ibu die nk bersiap g keje. Bile die bangun & nk suh die tidur blk. Mmg harapan la. Kena dgr die nanges dl. Kejutkan Mak Lang dl mtk pegangkan die. And ibu buat2 pekak trus g keje. After 5 mins, I will call his Mak Lang asked if he already OK. And guess what? She told me Irfan was realllllyyyy OK. Amboi anak. Mencabar ibu eh? Takkan ibu nak monteng kot. Mana boleh sayang.. 
And the best moment is when I unlock the gate in the evening, I can hear his voice talk in his own language says something like "ibu dah blk ke?"..And I know when I open the door, he is looking at it and pray that it is IBU.. Time tu rasa cam ibu la superpower. Rasa memerlukan tu sangat menyeronokkan. Hehehehe...Selalu asik kita jek rs memerlukan.. Bile ade org sangat2 perlukan kite, best sesangat.. Hehehehe.... 
The power of mother.. Hahahaha.. 
Irfan & Ibu nk jejalan..Masing2 excited

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