Friday, April 4, 2014

2nd Day with Diet Atkins

Today will be a challenge day as I have a 2-day course and they serve the food.
Hadoi, boleh ke x ek..
Anyhow, this morning as early as 6 am I made my own breakfast first : omelete egg + cheese + mayo

During the course, the morning break we have been served a tuna sandwich and kuih kaswi.
My favorite.
Break the rules. Allahu Akbar. Baru start dh break.
But the sandwich I only ate the filling.

For lunch, the menu were ayam masak pedas, sotong goreng kunyit & salad.
I ate a lot of squids as I thought it is ok but then later I have been told that squids are forbidden for Atkiners.
Rules breaker tul aku nih.

Then tea break, we been served samosa. Ok kot samosa. 

And dinner, I ate again omelette egg + sausage + mayo.

So that my 2nd day as Atkiner.

Hopefully I can be through all of this for 2 weeks, at least.

My target weight is 50 kg
My latest weight as of 26/3/14 is 59.4 kg.
Almost 10 kg to go...

Go Huda.
You were once a 50kg person and it is possible for you to be that person again.
The important thing is you must determined...

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