Monday, June 24, 2013

Hasil Tangkapan Irfan

Good morning All.. Happy Monday.. More or less, happy  haze day. Today's IPU at PG is 83. OK lah. Below 100 kan. Hopefully couple of days will be back to normal. Nasib baik Irfan tak de kena apa-apa infection either batuk ke sakit tekak ke. Selsema jek la. Tapi tu pun selsema mmg dr dulu. Manjang selsema. Cian tul. Ibu jek yang xbape kuat kalau bnd2 gini. Senang no nk kena infection. 2 hari hilang suara. The worst IPU is 323 (category : hazardous) on last Friday (21st June). Terpaksa la ibu cuti sebab taknak kuar rumah. Dan takut Irfan sakit pulak. End of haze story. Jom cite psl tajuk post kali ni. Ngeh. Ngeh..

We still have the mood of celebrating Irfan's birthday. So this time I post about Irfan's gifts. First gift he received is from his Mak Lang. A handmade ABC mat, special for Irfan.  Bapa lama da br Mak Lang dapat siapkan. Tak pe as long as siap jugak. Dari siap pas Irfan dapat adik kan. Hehehe.

Second one is from Irfan's Auntie. A sweater. A jumpsuit. And a socks (a lil too small, perhaps it's for his lil brother). Sorry, no pic. Forgot to capture. Next time OK.

Third one is from IBU.. Hehehe. A set of MR. MEN's cute hardbook. Tapi br kesempatan baca 2 buku. Ada 7 buah semuanya. Everyday each book. Irfan belum leh duduk diam belajar lagi. Nanti Ibu try. Kita try sama2 eh Irfan. Belajar sama2.

Next one is from Nenek. A so-called "Form Fitter". A choo-choo train "Roll 'n Pop Express". Beli time Aeon Member Day on Wednesday at Aeon Tebrau City. Mmg niat gi Aeon nk belikan hadiah utk Irfan pun. The Form Fitter, dia belum pndi sgt main lg. Dia amek one shape and asked Ibu to guide his hand to the right hole. Sbb dia tau dia tak boleh buat sendiri so Ibu kena la tolong. OK. Choo-choo train pulak one of his favorite. Siap berjoget bila choo-choo tu kuarkan lagu. Suka sangat.

Tak habis lagi hadiah Irfan ni. Next is from Ibu & Ayah. An air-conditioner. Yeah!! Lama dah nk beli tapi tak terbeli2. End up beli jugak, Sebab kesian asik ngamuk jek tiap malam. So malam tadi first night without Ayah. Guess what? Tak mengamuk langsung. Bangun mintak susu then tido smpi Ibu kejut nak g school. Amazing rite?

Last present is from Ayah. A stuffed toy, Doraemon. Last Saturday, we went to City Square to meet Doraemon & his friends. Irfan kind of excited but Ayah is more excited than him. Hehehe. Alang-alang dah sampai sana mestilah kena beli souvenir kan? Hehehe. So we bought a small stuffed toy. Nak beli yang besar tapi harganye kus semangat. So beli yang kecik jek la. Tetap Irfan 'sayaaanggg dia' (with a cute action hugging the toy).

Anyhow, Irfan said THANKS A LOT to Mak Lang, Auntie, Nenek, Ibu & Ayah for all of the presents. Irfan suka sangat2. Dia main tanpa henti.
From Mak Lang : A handmade ABC mat

From Ibu : A series of Mr Men's books

From Nenek : Form Fitter & Choo-choo Train

From Ibu & Ayah : Air conditioner

From Ayah : A stuffed toy, Doraemon

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