Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Aku Atkiners Lagi

Belum achieve mission yg pertama dh tambah mission. Biar la melambak. Tp mission utamanya tetap sama : menjadi kurus. Hari ni sekali lagi aku bercita-cita nk jdk Atkiner lagi. Sebab rasanya ni jek diet yg paling best & mudah. Mudah ke? Hehehe.

Aku kena journalkan segala perjalanan menjadi Atkiner kalau tak mmg kelaut la nnt.

Berat terkini : 68 kg
Berat ideal : 54 kg
Target : Turun 14 kg dalam 2 bulan

Menu hari pertama aku
Sarapan : telur dadar + tomato + garam + sosej 
Tengahari : telur + tomato + bwg besar + lada hitam + sosej
Malam : chicken chop without dressing

Agak2 lulus tak menu2 tu? Halal la. Lebih kurang. Hehehe..

Till tomorrow for tomorrow's menu. Semangat Atkiners yang baru. Hehehe.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Challenge Myself

Starting today I am challenging myself to do squat exercise for a comolete 30-day. The goal to this challenge is to lose my muffin top. Yucks! I really hate my muffin top. Gross!! Let's see what happen after 30 days..
Go huda.. You can do it..