Monday, September 30, 2013

Our 1st Trip After Irfan Get His Legs

Last Sunday, we went to KL to attend Yah's wedding reception (Sadiq's side). We take the ooportunities to make a short vacation. We planned to bring the kids (Irfan & our foster son, Aris) to Aquaria. So as early as 10 am, we start our vacation. We drove to there. Initially, our plan is going to there by train but then our next destination is Zoo Negara (kononnya kalau tak penat). Zoo Negara mana ada train dkt2 kan? So kami naik kereta jek la. We reached Aquaria around 11.15 am. There were so many people there since Monday is an off-day (Malaysia Day), so many parents bring their kids to Aquaria. Bukan kami jek yang pikir benda yang sama. Cis. Tu belum lagi ada rombongan sekolah. Boring jek. Ramai gila manusia.

Too crowded to impress the beutiful of fishes. Since Irfan pun tak berapa ada mood padahal dia paling suka fishes la. Dah moody tgk ikan pun dia buat dek jek. Penat la Ibu ngan Ayah tunjuk segala jenis fishes. Ngantuk kot. Penat pun ye. Cian dia. We spend there less than 1 hour since terlalu ramai manusia. Perut pun sudah lapar, breakfast roti jek pun. Kami terus ke KLCC. Menapak. Ada terowong bawah tanah dari Aquaria ke KLCC. Ada la 10 minit berjalan kaki. Malas nk pikir nk makan pe, we chose to find KFC. Irfan mcm biasa, tak berapa nak makan. Tapi try jugak la sumbat ayam ngn mash potato.

After that, mulanya igt nk naik train la. Nak kasi experience to the kids how the feeling ride a train. Jakun kan. Tapi Ayah malas lak nak menapak lagi. So kami naik kereta jek la. Mulanya nk gi Lot10 but then we lost. Then kami drop kat memana yang kami lalu. Jumpa Times Square. Cari parking pun separuh gila jugak. Nak dkt setengah jam baru dpt. Igt nk bwk la Aris main kat theme park. Tapi theme park tu tak berapa sesuai untuk bdk kecik. The games are more suitable for adult. Super extreme games. Dah tak tau nk wat ape. Kami pun pkr nak nek train ke KL Sentral. But then tak perasan yang kat Times Square ni Monorail. Kalau smpi KL Sentral, not exactly KL Sentral, tapi kena menapak dl dlm 200 mtr utk smpi KL Sentral. Foul tul. 

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