Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Perpisahan yang menyedihkan

Due to Irfan having chicken pox, we decided to bring him to kampung. His nenek & aunties will taking care of him. Of course the school can't accept him as they afraid other babies will be infected. OK. Understand enough.

So his Ayah brought him to kampung on last Thursday. And the next day (Friday) I balik kampung jugak. The plan is balik lepas keja trus berdesup gerak but then Angah stucked in traffic jam. Damn. Geram betul. Plus we need to pick up Afnan at Senai. We start drove from Seri Alam almost 6.30 pm but again we stucked in traffic jam. Arggghhhh. We reached Afnan's school around 7.30 pm. There we need to wait Afnan to get ready + packing up + looking for teacher to sign his book. And deng.. The time now 8.15 pm. Lambatnya la hai. Bengang tul.

Then again. Again we need to face with traffic jam along expressway. Asal nak jam jek ni? Bengang tul. Aku nak cpt jumpa anak ni. Rasa nak menjerit jek. We arrived at Ayer Hitam exit around 10.00 pm. And AGAIN. Traffic jam along to the exit. Jammed lagi. Ape benda ni? Korang sabotage aku ke? Mengarut tul.

And of course, since it was already after 8.00 pm, I'm getting sleepy. Angah didn't have the guts to drive VIOS. So what is the other option? None. Period. I need to drive the car by myself in sleepy mode. And I'm getting angrier and angrier. Kenapa lambat sangat nak sampai ni? We arrived Umi's house on 11.00 pm. Just take a few breath and continue the long long long long journey to Parit Haji Sidek to meet my sunshine.

It such a relief that we finally arrived safely. But then Irfan was sleeping in the cradle. The easiest way to soothe him. Suddenly he awake and cried. Once he saw Ibu's face of course he wanted me. He cried a lot. He just cried and hold me tightly as he refused to release me. He started to mumble angrily. Seems he so angry at me for leaving him. He refused when his aunties try to coax him. He hugged me tightly and not allowed me to sit. He really mad at me. Even after persuade, he make sure that I was in his view. Irfan rindu sangat dengan Ibu dia. That's why he acted like that. Dia marah sebab Ibu tinggalkan dia. I totally understand that. Sorry sayang. Bukan Ibu sengaja. But however he need to stay there for one more week since the virus still there. Ada la 1-2 bintik yang masih aktif. Kesian anak Ibu. Jumaat ni kita jumpa eh? Kita peluk puas-puas eh.. xoxo

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